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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
260845 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2017-05-25
260846 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2017-06-09
260847 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 3 2017-06-16
260848 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2017-07-25
260849 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 2 2017-07-31
260850 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 5 2018-06-03
260851 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 18 2018-06-11
260852 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 10 2018-06-18
260853 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 6 2018-06-24
260854 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 2 2018-06-28
260855 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 4 2018-07-09
260856 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 4 2018-07-16
260857 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 6 2017-06-11
260858 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 3 2017-06-24
260859 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 7 2017-07-04
260860 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 5 2017-07-09
260861 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 5 2017-08-05
260862 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 7 2017-08-13
260863 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 5 2017-09-03
260864 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 4 2017-09-11
260865 Pieris rapae Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve IBSN 1 2017-09-16
260872 Pieris rapae Iowa Warren Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserve IBSN 4 2017-07-20
260873 Pieris rapae Iowa Warren Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserve IBSN 32 2017-07-14
260874 Pieris rapae Iowa Warren Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserve IBSN 8 2017-07-18
260875 Pieris rapae Iowa Warren Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserve IBSN 10 2017-07-19
Displaying 4,626 - 4,650 of 23,392 results with 186,365 total observations. Queries took 0.592s.