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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
263233 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 2 2017-08-06
263234 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 3 2017-08-07
263235 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 2 2018-07-23
263236 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 1 2018-07-24
263237 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 1 2018-08-02
263238 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 48 2019-07-03
263239 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 21 2019-07-07
263240 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 4 2019-07-13
263241 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 119 2019-07-30
263242 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 176 2019-08-01
263243 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 336 2019-08-04
263244 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 2 2019-09-24
263265 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 19 2017-08-16
263266 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 17 2017-08-24
263267 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2019-05-24
263268 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2019-06-20
263269 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 11 2019-07-08
263270 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 302 2019-08-02
263271 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 49 2019-08-30
263288 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 1 2017-06-02
263289 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 1 2017-06-17
263290 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 1 2017-06-17
263291 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 3 2017-07-08
263292 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 3 2017-07-22
263293 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 91 2017-08-12
Displaying 3,701 - 3,725 of 43,720 results with 313,129 total observations. Queries took 0.902s.