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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
6178 Thymelicus lineola Iowa Marion Marion County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
6179 Thymelicus lineola Iowa Monroe Monroe County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
6181 Thymelicus lineola Iowa Scott Scott County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
6182 Thymelicus lineola Iowa Van Buren Van Buren County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5054 Polites mystic Iowa Adams Adams County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5055 Polites mystic Iowa Benton Benton County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5056 Polites mystic Iowa Black Hawk Black Hawk County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5058 Polites mystic Iowa Bremer Bremer County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5059 Polites mystic Iowa Buchanan Buchanan County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5060 Polites mystic Iowa Cerro Gordo Cerro Gordo County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5061 Polites mystic Iowa Cherokee Cherokee County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5062 Polites mystic Iowa Clay Clay County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5063 Polites mystic Iowa Dallas Dallas County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5064 Polites mystic Iowa Delaware Delaware County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5065 Polites mystic Iowa Dickinson Dickinson County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5066 Polites mystic Iowa Emmet Emmet County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5067 Polites mystic Iowa Fayette Fayette County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5068 Polites mystic Iowa Floyd Floyd County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5069 Polites mystic Iowa Howard Howard County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5070 Polites mystic Iowa Johnson Johnson County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5071 Polites mystic Iowa Kossuth Kossuth County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5072 Polites mystic Iowa Lyon Lyon County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5073 Polites mystic Iowa O'Brien O'Brien County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5074 Polites mystic Iowa Page Page County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
5075 Polites mystic Iowa Palo Alto Palo Alto County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
Displaying 298,476 - 298,500 of 299,392 results with 962,198 total observations. Queries took 7.746s.