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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
352111 Satyrium calanus Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah K. Gibson 1 2020-06-30
352112 Speyeria cybele Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah K. Gibson 1 2020-06-30
352113 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah K. Gibson 1 2020-07-10
352114 Vanessa virginiensis Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah K. Gibson 1 2020-06-17
352115 Vanessa virginiensis Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah K. Gibson 1 2020-06-30
352136 Erynnis lucilius Iowa Winneshiek Location Protected Kayla Gibson 1 2020-07-27
352313 Anatrytone logan Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Kirk J. Larsen 1 2011-07-19
352450 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Eric Dotseth 1 1994-06-18
352451 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Eric Dotseth 1 1994-06-18
352452 Asterocampa clyton Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Peter Kraus 1 2009-07-23
352453 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Nick Schmidt 1 2002-07-17
352454 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Kirk J. Larsen 1 2010-09-04
352455 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Kirk J. Larsen 1 2011-08-25
352456 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Kirk J. Larsen 1 2011-09-25
352501 Boloria bellona Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Eric Dotseth 1 1994-06-25
352502 Boloria bellona Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Eric Dotseth 1 1994-06-25
352503 Boloria bellona Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Eric Dotseth 1 1994-06-25
352504 Boloria bellona Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Eric Dotseth 1 1994-06-25
352505 Boloria bellona Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Kirk J. Larsen 1 2010-09-01
352589 Cercyonis pegala Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Kirk J. Larsen 1 2011-08-05
352590 Cercyonis pegala Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Kirk J. Larsen 1 2015-07-09
352705 Colias eurytheme Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Matt Dollinger 1 1995-09-17
352706 Colias eurytheme Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Matt Dollinger 1 1995-09-17
352707 Colias philodice Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Matt Dollinger 1 1995-09-14
352807 Danaus plexippus Iowa Winneshiek Anderson Prairie, Decorah Joe Yanda 1 1997-09-04
Displaying 951 - 975 of 1,336 results with 5,094 total observations. Queries took 0.592s.