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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
283583 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 2 2020-07-17
304366 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 1 2021-08-01
304371 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 1 2021-07-03
304418 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 3 2021-06-27
304442 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 2 2021-07-17
304531 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 1 2021-06-19
328057 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 1 2022-07-12
328058 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 5 2022-07-17
354448 Everes comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie Kirk J. Larsen 1 2015-07-27
360594 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Community Prairie IBSN 1 2023-05-29
276034 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Fish Hatchery Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-20
276033 Danaus plexippus Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Fish Hatchery Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-20
276032 Pieris rapae Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Fish Hatchery Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-20
276035 Cupido comyntas Iowa Winneshiek Decorah Fish Hatchery Jay Gilliam 1 2020-07-20
354543 Ancyloxypha numitor Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x S. Wesselmann 1 1969-10-03
354632 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Kirk J. Larsen 1 1998-09-25
354550 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Kirk J. Larsen 1 1998-09-25
354551 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Kirk J. Larsen 1 1998-09-25
354659 Poanes hobomok Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Eric Dotseth 1 1994-06-09
354640 Lycaena hyllus Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Eric Dotseth 1 1993-09-06
354567 Callophrys gryneus Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Jennifer Bovee 1 1998-06-12
354568 Callophrys gryneus Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Jennifer Bovee 1 1998-07-20
354662 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Greg S Lougren 1 1969-09-27
354663 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x Norris Nereng 1 1969-10-25
354661 Polygonia comma Iowa Winneshiek Decorah-x David Ahrenholz 1 1967-09-15
Displaying 426 - 450 of 1,336 results with 5,094 total observations. Queries took 0.582s.