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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
139854 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 35 2013-09-13
139855 Colias philodice Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 10 2013-09-13
139856 Cupido comyntas Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 40 2013-09-13
139857 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 7 2013-09-13
139858 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2013-09-13
139860 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 4 2014-06-12
139861 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2014-06-12
139862 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2014-06-12
139863 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 9 2014-06-12
139864 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2014-06-12
139865 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 8 2014-07-06
139866 Colias philodice Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 18 2014-07-06
139867 Nymphalis antiopa Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2014-07-06
139868 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2014-07-06
139869 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 2 2014-07-06
139870 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 10 2014-07-10
139871 Colias philodice Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 6 2014-07-10
139872 Cupido comyntas Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 4 2014-07-10
139873 Boloria bellona Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 8 2014-07-10
139874 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2014-07-10
139875 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 4 2014-07-10
139876 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 18 2014-07-24
139877 Colias philodice Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 4 2014-07-24
139878 Cupido comyntas Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 3 2014-07-24
139879 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 2 2014-07-24
Displaying 1,476 - 1,500 of 42,321 results with 204,111 total observations. Queries took 1.329s.