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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
362666 Argynnis cybele Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-06-27
361451 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Max Daley Pathway IBSN 1 2023-06-27
361457 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Tedesco Environmental Learning Corridor IBSN 2 2023-06-27
361458 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Tedesco Environmental Learning Corridor IBSN 1 2023-06-27
364807 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 14 2023-06-27
364808 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 5 2023-06-27
364809 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 4 2023-06-27
364810 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-06-27
364811 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-06-27
364812 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2023-06-27
364538 Limenitis archippus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-06-27
359867 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Story Max Daley Pathway IBSN 1 2023-06-27
359868 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Story Max Daley Pathway IBSN 2 2023-06-27
359869 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Story Moore Park IBSN 2 2023-06-27
360755 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Max Daley Pathway IBSN 1 2023-06-27
360756 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Moore Park IBSN 3 2023-06-27
363929 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2023-06-27
363930 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-06-27
363931 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-06-27
363932 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-06-27
363933 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2023-06-27
363100 Chlosyne gorgone Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-06-27
359708 Argynnis cybele Iowa Story Carr Park IBSN 3 2023-06-28
359709 Argynnis cybele Iowa Story Carr Park IBSN 1 2023-06-28
365681 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2023-07-02
Displaying 4,376 - 4,400 of 4,614 results with 37,210 total observations. Queries took 0.290s.