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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
135042 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park Tom Jantscher 2 2005-08-27
135072 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Doolittle Prairie State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2008-07-13
135081 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Doolittle Prairie State Preserve Tom Jantscher 2 2009-07-11
135113 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Doolittle Prairie State Preserve Tom Jantscher 2 2009-07-18
135159 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Doolittle Prairie State Preserve Tom Jantscher 6 2008-08-09
135197 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Doolittle Prairie State Preserve Tom Jantscher 6 2008-08-30
135233 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park Tom Jantscher 6 2008-09-01
138115 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ames, Paul Paul Martsching 1 1995-08-12
138350 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2005-08-14
138755 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2014-08-17
138797 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2014-09-30
138908 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2015-08-05
139252 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Carr Park IBSN 1 2007-06-27
139463 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 1 2013-07-22
139479 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 3 2014-06-20
139494 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 1 2014-07-21
139533 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 1 2015-08-02
139657 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2007-08-28
139688 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 3 2008-08-23
139697 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 6 2008-08-29
139705 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 3 2008-09-09
139765 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 6 2010-08-07
139778 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2010-08-22
139790 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2010-09-24
139828 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 1 2012-08-13
Displaying 376 - 400 of 4,614 results with 37,210 total observations. Queries took 0.293s.