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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
251694 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2019-07-12
251699 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2019-08-03
251711 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2017-06-17
251726 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2018-08-06
251924 Colias philodice Iowa Story Christiansen Forest Preserve IBSN 2 2018-08-12
252006 Colias philodice Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 2 2017-07-30
252019 Colias philodice Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 2 2019-07-21
252062 Colias philodice Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 2 2017-07-17
252102 Colias philodice Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 2 2017-09-23
252153 Colias philodice Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 2 2016-05-05
252154 Colias philodice Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 2 2016-06-07
252299 Colias philodice Iowa Story Emma McCarthy Lee Park IBSN 2 2017-08-18
252308 Colias philodice Iowa Story Emma McCarthy Lee Park IBSN 2 2018-09-10
252310 Colias philodice Iowa Story Emma McCarthy Lee Park IBSN 2 2019-07-22
252316 Colias philodice Iowa Story Emma McCarthy Lee Park IBSN 2 2019-09-23
252447 Colias philodice Iowa Story Peterson Pits Recreation Area IBSN 2 2019-07-18
252450 Colias philodice Iowa Story Peterson Pits Recreation Area IBSN 2 2019-08-22
252596 Colias philodice Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 2 2017-09-22
283075 Colias philodice Iowa Story Max Daley Pathway IBSN 2 2020-05-03
283078 Colias philodice Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 2 2020-05-07
283082 Colias philodice Iowa Story Moore Memorial Park IBSN 2 2020-05-09
283095 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2020-05-16
283098 Colias philodice Iowa Story Hertz Family Woods and Nature Preserve IBSN 2 2020-05-22
283107 Colias philodice Iowa Story McFarland Park IBSN 2 2020-06-04
283121 Colias philodice Iowa Story Green Hills Retirement Community IBSN 2 2020-06-12
Displaying 376 - 400 of 1,043 results with 6,437 total observations. Queries took 0.047s.