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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
188873 Tharsalea dione Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-06-10
188491 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames Nathan Brockman 3 2016-06-10
188633 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 3 2016-06-10
250616 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 3 2016-06-10
188490 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames Nathan Brockman 57 2016-06-10
188632 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 8 2016-06-10
188869 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 3 2016-06-10
262812 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 57 2016-06-10
188870 Junonia coenia Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-06-10
188634 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 3 2016-06-10
188867 Limenitis archippus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 5 2016-06-10
188871 Danaus plexippus Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 1 2016-06-10
188489 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames Nathan Brockman 25 2016-06-10
188631 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 16 2016-06-10
188866 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 8 2016-06-10
260776 Pieris rapae Iowa Story Reiman Gardens Area, Ames IBSN 25 2016-06-10
188635 Colias philodice Iowa Story Location Protected IBSN 3 2016-06-10
188868 Colias philodice Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 6 2016-06-10
188872 Colias eurytheme Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park IBSN 2 2016-06-10
229258 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Ada Hayden Heritage Park Wolfgang Oesterreich 1 2016-06-13
190239 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 1 2016-06-14
190238 Ancyloxypha numitor Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 10 2016-06-14
190243 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 4 2016-06-14
190233 Vanessa cardui Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 3 2016-06-14
190235 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Story Jennett Heritage Area IBSN 11 2016-06-14
Displaying 3,251 - 3,275 of 11,513 results with 78,952 total observations. Queries took 2.424s.