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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
34337 Lithacodes fasciola Iowa Story Hickory Grove Park Jim Durbin 1 2012-05-28
34338 Lithacodes fasciola Iowa Story Hickory Grove Park Jim Durbin 1 2012-05-28
34371 Lithacodia musta Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2006-07-24
34400 Lithacodia musta Iowa Story McFarland Park Moni Hayne 1 2011-07-29
34439 Lithophane bethunei Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-04-15
34440 Lithophane bethunei Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-04-15
34441 Lithophane bethunei Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2006-04-14
34451 Lithophane bethunei Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2009-06-05
34462 Lithophane grotei Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-04-09
34463 Lithophane grotei Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-04-03
34464 Lithophane grotei Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-04-09
34599 Lomographa vestaliata Iowa Story Hickory Grove Park Jim Durbin 1 2012-05-28
34600 Lomographa vestaliata Iowa Story Hickory Grove Park Jim Durbin 1 2012-05-28
34601 Lomographa vestaliata Iowa Story Hickory Grove Park Jim Durbin 1 2012-05-28
34676 Phosphila miselioides Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-07-02
34677 Loscopia velata Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-07-02
34678 Loscopia velata Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-06-26
34682 Loscopia velata Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2008-05-21
34754 Lycia ursaria Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2010-06-14
34755 Lycia ursaria Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2009-06-14
34801 Lycia ypsilon Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2006-04-14
34861 Lygropia rivulalis Iowa Story Hickory Grove Park Jim Durbin 1 2012-05-28
34911 Lytrosis unitaria Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2005-06-24
35123 Machimia tentoriferella Iowa Story 2505 Tullamore Lane, Ames MJ Hatfield 1 2009-06-15
35184 Macronoctua onusta Iowa Story Location Protected Sylvia Carter 1 2009-07-19
Displaying 601 - 625 of 29,649 results with 123,246 total observations. Queries took 1.279s.