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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
110998 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-13
110999 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-17
111000 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-18
111001 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-23
111002 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-07-20
111003 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-07-21
111004 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-07-25
111005 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-07-28
111006 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-01
111007 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-08
111008 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-11
111009 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-19
111010 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-21
111011 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-22
111012 Macaria pustularia Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-15
111013 Macaria pustularia Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-17
111014 Macaria pustularia Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-18
111015 Macaria pustularia Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-28
111016 Macaria pustularia Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-07-04
111017 Macaria pustularia Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-07-28
111018 Macaria pustularia Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-07
111019 Macaria coortaria Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-07-03
111020 Macaria aemulataria Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-05-18
111021 Macaria aemulataria Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-06-10
111022 Macaria aemulataria Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-07-04
Displaying 2,151 - 2,175 of 12,952 results with 51,524 total observations. Queries took 0.385s.