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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
190686 Pieris rapae Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 1 2016-08-28
190692 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 1 2016-08-28
190700 Pieris rapae Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 2 2016-08-28
190701 Colias philodice Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 2 2016-08-28
190705 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 15 2016-10-02
190706 Colias philodice Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 3 2016-10-02
190712 Pieris rapae Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 2 2016-10-02
190718 Pyrisitia lisa Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 1 2016-10-02
190719 Nathalis iole Iowa Polk Thomas Mitchell Park IBSN 1 2016-10-02
200517 Pieris rapae Iowa Polk Ankeny Chuck Hall 1 2017-07-28
202766 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Des Moines-Skyline Drive Chris Edwards 1 2017-04-16
203054 Pieris rapae Iowa Polk Des Moines-Skyline Drive Chris Edwards 1 2017-04-16
208619 Pieris rapae Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 1 2011-09-11
208620 Pontia protodice Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 1 2011-09-23
208621 Pontia protodice Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 1 2011-09-24
208622 Pontia protodice Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 4 2011-09-23
208623 Pontia protodice Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 1 2011-09-24
208630 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt Aaron Brees 1 2010-08-06
208632 Colias philodice Iowa Polk Water Works Park, Des Moines Aaron Brees 1 2010-05-29
208634 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 15 2011-09-24
208635 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 1 2011-09-11
208642 Nathalis iole Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 1 2011-09-11
208643 Nathalis iole Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt Aaron Brees 6 2010-07-08
208645 Nathalis iole Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 10 2009-09-06
208646 Nathalis iole Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 1 2009-09-06
Displaying 476 - 500 of 2,060 results with 12,435 total observations. Queries took 0.295s.