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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
143570 Orgyia leucostigma Iowa Polk Big Creek State Park Mark Brown 1 2015-08-16
143571 Phyllocnistis insignis Iowa Polk Big Creek State Park Mark Brown 1 2015-08-16
143572 Eutrapela clemataria Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-08-16
143573 Hypena sordidula Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-08-16
143574 Eulithis diversilineata-gracilineata Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-08-16
143575 Biston betularia Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-08-16
143576 Hypena madefactalis Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-08-16
143560 Hypena scabra Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-08-22
143561 Catocala residua Iowa Polk Jester Park Mark Brown 1 2015-08-22
143562 Schinia nundina Iowa Polk Jester Park Mark Brown 1 2015-08-22
143563 Hypena bijugalis Iowa Polk Jester Park Mark Brown 1 2015-08-22
129643 Eacles imperialis Iowa Polk Johnston Kenneth Heiar 1 2015-08-30
130489 Papaipema nebris Iowa Polk Des Moines-x Aaron Brees 1 2015-08-30
130490 Apatelodes torrefacta Iowa Polk Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2015-09-05
143554 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Polk Location Protected Mark Brown 1 2015-09-05
143555 Ceratomia undulosa Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-09-05
193921 Phosphila turbulenta Iowa Polk Capitol Park 1 2015-09-05
143552 Eumarozia malachitana Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-09-07
143553 Pandemis limitata Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-09-07
143546 Catocala habilis Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-09-20
143545 Papaipema necopina Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-09-20
193931 Pyrrharctia isabella Iowa Polk Mitchellville 1 2015-10-10
143536 Erannis tiliaria Iowa Polk Red Feather Prairie Mark Brown 1 2015-10-25
200654 Paleacrita merriccata Iowa Polk Oak Grove Park and Beach, Saylorville Aaron Brees 1 2016-03-12
201935 Psychomorpha epimenis Iowa Polk Water Works Park, Des Moines Aaron Brees 1 2016-04-15
Displaying 4,476 - 4,500 of 4,822 results with 15,018 total observations. Queries took 0.313s.