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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
111647 Condica vecors Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-09-07
238417 Condica vecors Iowa Polk Saylorville Visitor Center Mark Brown 1 2019-09-01
111648 Condica sutor Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-10-01
71544 Azenia obtusa Iowa Polk Yellow Banks Park Keith Summerville 1 2006-05-25
71541 Plagiomimicus spumosum Iowa Polk Big Creek State Park Keith Summerville 1 2006-05-25
111652 Plagiomimicus spumosum Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-14
111653 Plagiomimicus spumosum Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-24
111654 Plagiomimicus spumosum Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-26
111655 Plagiomimicus spumosum Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-27
111656 Plagiomimicus spumosum Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-28
111657 Plagiomimicus spumosum Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-09-04
42179 Plagiomimicus pityochromus Iowa Polk Puccoon Prairie Keith Summerville 1 2011-05-18
42180 Plagiomimicus pityochromus Iowa Polk Location Protected Keith Summerville 1 2011-05-18
65436 Plagiomimicus pityochromus Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2014-08-21
71157 Plagiomimicus pityochromus Iowa Polk Puccoon Prairie Keith Summerville 1 2006-05-25
111658 Plagiomimicus pityochromus Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-11
111659 Plagiomimicus pityochromus Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-20
111660 Plagiomimicus pityochromus Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-21
111661 Plagiomimicus pityochromus Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-08-26
34445 Lithophane bethunei Iowa Polk Location Protected Keith Summerville 1 2011-05-18
34449 Lithophane bethunei Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2012-04-03
34452 Lithophane bethunei Iowa Polk Des Moines-x MJ Hatfield 1 2009-11-03
27379 Eupsilia morrisoni Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2012-04-03
111662 Eupsilia morrisoni Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-03-29
111663 Epiglaea decliva Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2013-10-30
Displaying 401 - 425 of 1,209 results with 2,276 total observations. Queries took 0.210s.