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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
6651 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2012-11-17
6652 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 20 2009-09-11
6653 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 10 2009-09-19
6666 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt Aaron Brees 2 2010-05-15
6667 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt Aaron Brees 50 2010-07-31
6668 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Paul Errington Marsh Wildlife Management Area Aaron Brees 1 2011-10-22
6669 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Polk City Wildlife Area Aaron Brees 3 2011-08-21
6670 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 2 2009-10-04
6671 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2009-10-26
6672 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 3 2011-09-05
6674 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 5 2011-09-23
6676 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Location Protected Aaron Brees 1 2012-10-28
208635 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 1 2011-09-11
208634 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Big Creek at Hwy 415 Aaron Brees 15 2011-09-24
208630 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt Aaron Brees 1 2010-08-06
52516 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Dennis Schlicht 1 2005-08-01
52517 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Dennis Schlicht 3 2005-07-13
52518 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Frank Olsen 2 2005-08-19
52519 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Frank Olsen 4 2005-08-10
52520 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Frank Olsen 1 2005-06-21
52521 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Frank Olsen 1 2005-07-13
52522 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Frank Olsen 1 2005-07-22
52523 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Engeldinger Marsh, Polk County Frank Olsen 1 2005-08-29
52964 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Sandhill Prairie Dennis Schlicht 1 2005-06-21
52965 Colias eurytheme Iowa Polk Chichaqua Bottoms Sandhill Prairie Dennis Schlicht 3 2005-07-13
Displaying 2,476 - 2,500 of 12,952 results with 51,524 total observations. Queries took 0.421s.