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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
7528 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Polk Polk City Wildlife Area Aaron Brees 2 2011-08-21
7529 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Polk Sycamore Park Aaron Brees 1 2010-04-12
7530 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Polk Sycamore Park Aaron Brees 12 2010-04-28
208771 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Polk Junction of NW 6th Dr and NW 65th AVE Aaron Brees 1 2012-04-23
6383 Vanessa virginiensis Iowa Polk Polk County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-01
6327 Vanessa cardui Iowa Polk Polk County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-09-10
6253 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Polk Polk County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
200642 Vanessa virginiensis Iowa Polk Polk County Inger 1 2016-06-04
Displaying 401 - 408 of 408 results with 2,998 total observations. Queries took 0.046s.