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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
300424 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 3 2021-05-31
300425 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2021-05-31
300426 Megisto cymela Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 5 2021-05-31
300427 Argynnis cybele Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 4 2021-05-31
300428 Cupido comyntas Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2021-05-31
300429 Chlosyne nycteis Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2021-05-31
300430 Limenitis arthemis astyanax Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 2 2021-05-31
300431 Euphyes vestris Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2021-05-31
300432 Lon hobomok Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2021-05-31
300433 Pholisora catullus Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2021-05-31
300434 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 3 2021-05-31
300435 Pieris rapae Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 5 2021-05-31
300436 Lon zabulon Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 3 2021-05-31
300437 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2021-05-31
300438 Danaus plexippus Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2021-05-31
317849 Megisto cymela Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 35 2022-06-04
317850 Pieris rapae Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 7 2022-06-04
317851 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 3 2022-06-04
317852 Argynnis cybele Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 5 2022-06-04
317853 Polygonia interrogationis Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 4 2022-06-04
317854 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 5 2022-06-04
317855 Lon zabulon Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 21 2022-06-04
317856 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 6 2022-06-04
317857 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 1 2022-06-04
317858 Libytheana carinenta Iowa Monroe Stephens State Forest - Thousand Acre Unit, Monroe County Jay Gilliam 3 2022-06-04
Displaying 326 - 350 of 453 results with 2,387 total observations. Queries took 0.025s.