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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
344940 Epicauta pennsylvanica Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2023-09-16
344941 Hippiscus ocelote Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2023-09-16
345620 Libellula pulchella Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 2 2023-07-30
345621 Sympetrum semicinctum Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 2 2023-07-30
346051 Pantala flavescens Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2023-07-30
346055 Anax junius Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 20 2023-08-05
346056 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 2 2023-08-05
346057 Pantala flavescens Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 30 2023-08-05
346058 Pantala hymenaea Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2023-08-05
346059 Perithemis tenera Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2023-08-05
346060 Sympetrum corruptum Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2023-08-05
346133 Enallagma civile Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 10 2023-08-27
346134 Anax junius Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 6 2023-08-27
346135 Sympetrum corruptum Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 2 2023-08-27
346136 Tramea lacerata Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2023-08-27
346140 Enallagma civile Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 7 2023-09-16
346141 Anax junius Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 150 2023-09-16
346142 Pantala flavescens Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 4 2023-09-16
346143 Sympetrum corruptum Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 7 2023-09-16
346173 Cupido comyntas Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 3 2023-08-05
346174 Junonia coenia Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 6 2023-08-05
346175 Strymon melinus Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 2 2023-08-05
346176 Euphyes vestris Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 3 2023-08-05
346177 Anatrytone logan Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 9 2023-08-05
346178 Polites themistocles Iowa Mills Folsom Point Preserve Jay Gilliam 6 2023-08-05
Displaying 326 - 350 of 679 results with 1,737 total observations. Queries took 0.023s.