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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
366624 Bombus fraternus Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Don F. Becker 1 2024-06-02
231537 Bombus bimaculatus Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-11
366365 Bombus bimaculatus Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Don F. Becker 1 2024-05-21
366516 Bombus bimaculatus Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Don F. Becker 1 2024-05-26
231588 Bombus auricomus Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-11
336790 Bombus auricomus Iowa Louisa Wilson Prairie Don F. Becker 1 2023-07-07
366721 Bombus auricomus Iowa Louisa Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge Don F. Becker 1 2024-06-08
366723 Bombus auricomus Iowa Louisa Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge Don F. Becker 1 2024-06-08
211947 Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Muscatine County Jim Durbin 1 2018-06-09
290537 Beegenus undetermined Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Don F. Becker 1 2021-07-20
336792 Beegenus undetermined Iowa Louisa Wilson Prairie Don F. Becker 1 2023-07-07
310243 Augochlora pura Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Don F. Becker 1 2022-06-12
231525 Arge humeralis Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-11
231526 Arge humeralis Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-11
231529 Arge humeralis Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-11
136399 Arge coccinea Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Muscatine County Mark Brown 1 2015-06-20
225141 Arge coccinea Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Muscatine County Mark Brown 1 2018-06-09
291074 Arge coccinea Iowa Louisa Big Sand Mound Prairie Preserve, Louisa County Don F. Becker 1 2021-07-27
336799 Agapostemon splendens Iowa Louisa Wilson Prairie Don F. Becker 1 2023-07-07
Displaying 26 - 44 of 44 results with 50 total observations. Queries took 0.084s.