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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
127662 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-23
128810 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-30
128822 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-30
128841 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-30
128844 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-30
129324 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 3 2015-08-21
129465 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-08-26
129496 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-08-26
129499 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-08-26
130078 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2015-09-03
130411 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Jim Durbin 1 2015-09-07
130433 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Jim Durbin 1 2015-09-07
133177 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Wanatee County Park Frank Olsen 1 2015-05-28
167009 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-19
167107 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-23
167122 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-23
167136 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-23
167149 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-23
167227 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-23
167889 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Vecny Woods Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-29
167900 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Vecny Woods Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-29
167920 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Vecny Woods Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-29
167953 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Vecny Woods Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-29
168063 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-31
168107 Protodeltote muscosula Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-05-31
Displaying 176 - 200 of 492 results with 494 total observations. Queries took 0.045s.