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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
364977 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 2 2023-08-12
364979 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-08-15
364996 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-08-25
364999 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-08-28
365007 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-09-07
365025 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-09-17
365033 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-09-21
365034 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-09-21
365036 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-09-25
365045 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park IBSN 1 2023-09-30
4759 Phyciodes batesii Iowa Linn Linn County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-06-15
Displaying 926 - 936 of 936 results with 4,470 total observations. Queries took 0.595s.