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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
292979 Pachydiplax longipennis Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Steve Hummel 1 2011-06-15
292980 Plathemis lydia Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Steve Hummel 1 2011-06-15
292981 Epitheca princeps Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Steve Hummel 1 2011-06-15
292982 Erythemis simplicicollis Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Steve Hummel 1 2011-06-15
292983 Perithemis tenera Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Steve Hummel 1 2011-06-15
292984 Tramea lacerata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Steve Hummel 1 2011-06-15
293148 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Linn Hanging Bog State Preserve Steve Hummel 1 2004-06-27
293149 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Linn Hanging Bog State Preserve Steve Hummel 1 2004-06-27
293150 Erythemis simplicicollis Iowa Linn Hanging Bog State Preserve Steve Hummel 1 2004-06-27
293268 Stylurus spiniceps Iowa Linn Coggon rdrass18 1 2017-08-25
293273 Ophiogomphus smithi Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-05-27
293279 Argia moesta Iowa Linn Indian Creek Sac and Fox Trail, Rosedale Rd. SE Don Ohde 1 2018-06-16
293303 Gomphurus fraternus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-05-29
293304 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-08
293305 Enallagma exsulans Iowa Linn Along Yellow Pine Dr-x Don Ohde 1 2018-06-25
293306 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Sac and Fox Trail, Rosedale Rd. SE Don Ohde 1 2018-06-16
293307 Arigomphus submedianus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-18
293329 Stylurus plagiatus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-07-25
293330 Celithemis elisa Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Don Ohde 1 2018-07-08
293331 Celithemis eponina Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-07-22
293332 Pantala flavescens Iowa Linn Along Yellow Pine Dr-x Don Ohde 1 2018-07-22
293333 Libellula luctuosa Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-07-22
293334 Libellula pulchella Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Don Ohde 1 2018-07-06
293335 Perithemis tenera Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Don Ohde 1 2018-07-02
293336 Ischnura verticalis Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-07-03
Displaying 901 - 925 of 1,001 results with 1,014 total observations. Queries took 1.798s.