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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
247636 Gomphurus fraternus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-05-29
247628 Gomphurus fraternus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-01
247621 Gomphurus fraternus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-02
247638 Gomphurus fraternus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-05-29
293303 Gomphurus fraternus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-05-29
293499 Gomphurus fraternus Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Mark Brown 1 2019-07-04
165133 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Troy Mills River Access Bob Cruden 1 1997-06-13
165134 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Troy Mills River Access Bob Cruden 1 1997-06-13
218720 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-20
247552 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-08
247547 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-08
247544 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-08
247538 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-10
247516 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-20
269110 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2020-07-30
293304 Gomphurus vastus Iowa Linn Chain Lakes County Park Don Ohde 1 2018-06-08
Displaying 26 - 41 of 41 results with 41 total observations. Queries took 0.006s.