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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
30715 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-07-23
30716 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-07-24
30717 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-07-29
30718 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-07-31
30719 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Pioneer Marion Research Center Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-01
30720 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-01
30721 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-03
30722 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-04
30723 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-05
30724 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-06
30725 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-08
30726 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-10
30727 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-11
30728 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Pioneer Marion Research Center Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-13
30729 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-13
30730 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-14
30731 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-19
30732 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-25
30733 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-26
30734 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-27
30735 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-28
30736 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-28
30737 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-29
30738 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve Tom Jantscher 1 2010-08-31
30739 Hyles lineata Iowa Linn Bowman Woods Elementary School Tom Jantscher 1 2010-09-11
Displaying 26 - 50 of 262 results with 584 total observations. Queries took 0.670s.