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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
288425 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-12
288439 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-12
288780 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-18
288781 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-18
288792 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-18
288840 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-18
288909 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-18
289409 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2021-06-27
289834 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-03
289933 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-03
289939 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-03
289949 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-03
289956 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-03
289958 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-03
289976 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-03
290004 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Pinicon Ridge Park Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-03
290275 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-08
290375 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-08
290411 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-08
290414 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-08
290459 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-08
290550 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-08
290618 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-08
290713 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-15
290749 Herpetogramma thestealis Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2021-07-15
Displaying 401 - 425 of 691 results with 691 total observations. Queries took 0.020s.