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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
127123 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-19
127128 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-19
127147 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-19
127172 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-19
128258 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-19
128251 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-19
128300 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-19
128324 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-07-19
129322 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 5 2015-08-21
129540 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-08-26
129847 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-09-01
129896 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2015-09-01
143731 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Frank Olsen 1 1985-06-22
336122 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2023-06-29
336147 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Jim Durbin 1 2023-06-29
236424 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-08-17
236353 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2019-08-17
171944 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-07-14
172026 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-07-14
172228 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-07-20
172238 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-07-20
172397 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-07-20
172653 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-07-24
172909 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-07-24
174009 Mellilla xanthometata Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-08-09
Displaying 351 - 375 of 422 results with 436 total observations. Queries took 0.018s.