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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
15753 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Location Protected Frank Olsen 1 1998-05-16
15757 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center Frank Olsen 1 1996-08-12
15758 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Sam's Club, Blairs Ferry Rd , Cedar Rapids-x Doug Veal 1 2003-07-25
15767 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Location Protected Keith Erickson 1 2001-08-09
15779 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Frank Olsen 1 2010-08-09
15781 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Behren's Pond Woodland State Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2004-05-25
15789 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Rapids Dental Tom Jantscher 1 2010-06-13
15790 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Location Protected Tom Jantscher 1 2010-06-20
212268 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2018-06-15
65367 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Palo Marsh Natural Area Tom Jantscher 1 2010-04-10
122643 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Don F. Becker 1 2015-05-02
126907 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area, Linn County Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-10
174052 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Jim Durbin 1 2016-08-09
193916 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Cedar Rapids 1 2015-08-05
200283 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Don F. Becker 1 2016-08-09
200310 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Hitaga Sand Ridge Prairie Preserve Don F. Becker 1 2016-08-09
201960 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Palo Marsh Natural Area Larry Gall 1 2017-08-25
201964 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Hyvee, Edgewood Road-x Paul Varcoe 1 2017-08-04
216466 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Jordan Grove Near Whitter-x Cammie Machholz 1 2018-07-28
217064 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2018-08-01
219657 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Indian Creek Nature Center Nicole Bruns 1 2018-08-07
231863 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Jim Durbin 1 2019-06-14
277698 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Rock Island Botanical State Preserve 1 2011-05-30
309858 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Linn Matsell Bridge Natural Area Jim Durbin 1 2022-06-09
15589 Anisota virginiensis Iowa Linn Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area Frank Olsen 1 2004-05-19
Displaying 326 - 350 of 402 results with 403 total observations. Queries took 0.022s.