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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
240315 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 2 2019-05-04
240322 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Frank Olsen 1 2019-05-04
240331 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Frank Olsen 9 2019-05-04
240361 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2019-05-22
274057 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 2 2020-05-02
274140 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Frank Olsen 8 2020-05-02
297056 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2021-05-26
297127 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Turkey Run Access Frank Olsen 1 2021-05-26
297159 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Frank Olsen 1 2021-05-26
344319 Celastrina ladon Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2023-05-04
51658 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 2 2010-06-06
51760 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 15 2010-06-06
51761 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2010-06-06
51762 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 3 2008-08-31
51763 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2006-09-08
109606 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Chatfield Park, Keokuk Frank Olsen 13 2014-06-06
109662 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Frank Olsen 15 2014-06-06
109994 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Frank Olsen 15 2014-06-06
110006 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Frank Olsen 1 2014-09-25
180390 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Frank Olsen 6 2016-06-07
180405 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Frank Olsen 8 2016-06-07
180418 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Frank Olsen 8 2016-06-07
180942 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Frank Olsen 1 2016-09-12
180952 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2016-09-12
199796 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Frank Olsen 8 2017-08-08
Displaying 476 - 500 of 873 results with 3,757 total observations. Queries took 0.103s.