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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
112199 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 33 2009-06-22
112200 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 1 2010-07-01
112201 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 12 2010-08-15
112202 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 4 2011-07-04
112203 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 1 2013-06-22
112204 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 1 2014-07-03
112205 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 1 2014-09-07
126055 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Jim Durbin 1 2015-06-02
183507 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 17 2015-06-21
183838 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 10 2016-06-18
184197 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 5 2016-08-21
192277 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Mark Brown 2 2017-05-29
202716 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 2 2017-06-24
223779 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 1 2018-08-01
228477 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 1 2018-05-28
228620 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 2 2018-06-16
240654 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 7 2019-07-29
242420 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Jim Durbin 1000 1998-09-13
248679 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 5 2019-06-16
274082 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 21 2020-06-16
274110 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 10 2020-08-01
274126 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Frank Olsen 5 2020-08-30
280342 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 400 2020-06-08
280353 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 75 2020-06-21
280371 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Chris Edwards 66 2020-08-04
Displaying 3,476 - 3,500 of 8,601 results with 52,922 total observations. Queries took 0.753s.