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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
343185 Colias philodice Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Mark Brown 1 2023-06-25
343190 Colias philodice Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Mark Brown 1 2023-06-25
344377 Colias philodice Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Frank Olsen 1 2023-07-09
349935 Colias philodice Iowa Lee Lee County Chris Edwards 1 2023-05-29
350155 Colias philodice Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Chris Edwards 1 2023-06-25
350255 Colias philodice Iowa Lee Turkey Run Wildlife Area, Lee County Chris Edwards 1 2023-05-29
2506 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Lee County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-08-01
8004 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Tom Jantscher 1 2012-05-19
8005 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Tom Jantscher 1 2012-09-03
8006 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Tom Jantscher 1 2012-05-19
8007 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Bluff Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2012-05-19
8008 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Green Bay Access Tom Jantscher 1 2012-07-21
8011 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Tom Jantscher 1 2012-09-03
8012 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-07
8013 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2012-09-03
8014 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2012-10-24
8015 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Rand Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-07
8016 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Rees Park, Keokuk Tom Jantscher 1 2012-05-19
8018 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Tom Jantscher 1 2013-06-22
8019 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-07
8020 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Tom Jantscher 1 2013-09-07
8021 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Tom Jantscher 1 2013-06-08
8022 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Tom Jantscher 1 2013-06-22
8023 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit West Tom Jantscher 1 2010-07-10
8024 Colias eurytheme Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Croton Unit East Tom Jantscher 1 2011-05-08
Displaying 1,226 - 1,250 of 1,561 results with 13,888 total observations. Queries took 0.131s.