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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
26105 Euchlaena marginaria Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2006-05-01
26429 Eucosma sombreana Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2013-08-09
26430 Eucosma sombreana Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2013-08-09
27018 Euparthenos nubilis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2004-05-11
27565 Eutrapela clemataria Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2006-05-01
27733 Euzophera semifuneralis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2012-04-12
27753 Cupido comyntas Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2006-04-22
28055 Galerita bicolor Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2004-08-28
28056 Galerita bicolor Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2004-08-28
28057 Galerita bicolor Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2004-08-28
28184 Geotrupes splendidus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2005-10-01
28310 Gluphisia septentrionis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2004-05-11
28475 Apantesis anna Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2004-05-11
28551 Apantesis virguncula Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2004-05-11
28724 Gypsonoma haimbachiana Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2013-08-09
29342 Harpalus pensylvanicus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2006-09-16
29408 Helicoverpa zea Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2005-10-01
29918 Cecrita biundata Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2005-05-10
29953 Cecrita guttivitta Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2006-09-16
30008 Rifargia subrotata Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2005-10-01
30062 Psaphida electilis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2012-04-12
30063 Heteropacha rileyana Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2012-04-12
30270 Kocakina fidelis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2012-04-12
30574 Hydriomena divisaria Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2006-04-22
30575 Hydriomena divisaria Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jim Durbin 1 2006-04-22
Displaying 3,451 - 3,475 of 11,513 results with 57,331 total observations. Queries took 0.526s.