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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
344592 Cicindela repanda Iowa Lee Turkey Run Access Jay Gilliam 1 2023-06-25
344593 Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus Iowa Lee Turkey Run Access Jay Gilliam 1 2023-06-25
344599 Cicindela repanda Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jay Gilliam 1 2023-06-25
344600 Cicindela duodecimguttata Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Donnellson Unit Jay Gilliam 1 2023-06-25
344811 Epicauta pennsylvanica Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Jay Gilliam 1 2023-08-12
358541 Dicaelus purpuratus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Doug Veal 1 2003-06-21
358542 Diplotaxis blanchardi Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Doug Veal 1 2004-08-22
358543 Euphoria sepulcralis Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Doug Veal 1 2007-09-21
358544 Nicagus obscurus Iowa Lee Shimek State Forest, Lick Creek Unit Doug Veal 1 2006-05-06
266553 Podabrus rugosulus Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266555 Stenolophus lineola Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266556 Stenolophus lecontei Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266557 Stilbus apicalis Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266564 Serica undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266573 Homaeotarsus bicolor Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266580 Aeolus mellillus Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266581 Beetlegenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266582 Anelaphus villosus Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266583 Anomala binotata Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266584 Reichenbachia undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266585 Tachys proximus Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266587 Platynus tenuicollis Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266588 Bembidion variegatum Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266589 Beetlegenus undetermined Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
266593 Hypera zoilus Iowa Lee Heron Bend Conservation Area Angella Moorehouse 1 2020-06-05
Displaying 251 - 275 of 332 results with 332 total observations. Queries took 0.259s.