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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
118344 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Chris Edwards 2 2011-07-30
118345 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 2 2003-06-15
118349 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 2 2010-07-25
223378 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Ciha Fen Wildlife Preserve Frank Olsen 2 2018-05-31
228772 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 2 2018-07-23
228824 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 2 2018-07-23
273615 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Frank Olsen 2 2020-07-28
281782 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Turkey Creek Preserve Chris Edwards 2 2020-06-05
308509 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Chris Edwards 2 2021-07-25
350303 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Sugar Bottom Recreational Area Chris Edwards 2 2023-06-04
9704 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Tom Jantscher 3 2011-07-30
118324 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Hoover Nature Trail Chris Edwards 3 2001-08-12
118353 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Solon Recreation and Nature Area Chris Edwards 3 2010-07-25
223357 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Frank Olsen 3 2018-05-31
308494 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 3 2021-07-25
308596 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Cedar River Crossing Conservation Area Chris Edwards 3 2021-08-07
331619 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Reif Reilly Fen and Prairie Chris Edwards 3 2022-08-17
118338 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Chris Edwards 4 2002-06-07
118342 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Chris Edwards 4 2010-07-20
118350 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Lake MacBride State Park Chris Edwards 4 2011-07-30
183989 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Chris Edwards 4 2016-07-16
223368 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson MacBride Nature Recreation Area Frank Olsen 4 2018-05-31
249000 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Cedar River Crossing Conservation Area Chris Edwards 4 2019-08-04
281783 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson Hawkeye Willdlife Management Area Chris Edwards 4 2020-06-06
118329 Polites themistocles Iowa Johnson F. W. Kent Park Chris Edwards 5 2004-07-31
Displaying 51 - 75 of 85 results with 229 total observations. Queries took 0.014s.