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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
42434 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2009-05-01
42435 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2009-08-15
42436 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2010-09-05
42437 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2011-08-20
42438 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2012-05-19
184893 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park Moni Hayne 1 2016-07-27
184944 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park Moni Hayne 1 2016-07-27
201569 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Jefferson County Park Moni Hayne 1 2017-07-27
209193 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-07
209197 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-09
209250 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-16
209251 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-16
209258 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-16
209263 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-16
209264 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-17
209288 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-24
209289 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-24
209303 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-26
209308 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-06-26
209369 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-07-14
209404 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2016-07-24
286885 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2020-07-22
286896 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2020-07-22
307244 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2021-07-21
307291 Platynota idaeusalis Iowa Jefferson Near Fairfield Moni Hayne 1 2021-07-21
Displaying 351 - 375 of 437 results with 437 total observations. Queries took 0.121s.