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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
306129 Pieris rapae Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 3 2021-07-12
306136 Pieris rapae Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 5 2021-06-27
306149 Pieris rapae Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 3 2021-06-09
306193 Pieris rapae Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 8 2021-08-03
306208 Pieris rapae Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 6 2021-09-05
306709 Satyrium acadica Iowa Jasper Location Protected IBSN 1 2021-06-27
306764 Argynnis cybele Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 4 2021-06-09
306815 Argynnis idalia Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 1 2021-06-09
306822 Strymon melinus Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 1 2021-06-27
306890 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 1 2021-07-12
306900 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 1 2021-08-03
306903 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 2 2021-05-26
306905 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 1 2021-09-05
308979 Udea rubigalis Iowa Jasper Rock Creek Wildlife Management Area Mark Leoschke 1 2004-09-24
309035 Acronicta modica Iowa Jasper Ashton-Wildwood County Park Frank Olsen 1 2011-08-22
309036 Gluphisia septentrionis Iowa Jasper Ashton-Wildwood County Park Frank Olsen 1 2011-08-22
309163 Eupithecia miserulata Iowa Jasper Conard Environmental Research Area Frank Olsen 1 2011-09-12
309164 Nycteola metaspilella Iowa Jasper Conard Environmental Research Area Frank Olsen 1 2011-09-12
309220 Olethreutes exoletum Iowa Jasper Ashton-Wildwood County Park Frank Olsen 1 2011-08-22
309221 Cydia latiferreana Iowa Jasper Ashton-Wildwood County Park Frank Olsen 1 2011-08-22
309222 Lithacodia musta Iowa Jasper Ashton-Wildwood County Park Frank Olsen 1 2011-08-22
310565 Lycomorpha pholus Iowa Jasper Baxter Steven Goodwin 1 2022-06-20
314254 Calycomyza avira Iowa Jasper Conard Environmental Research Area John Pearson 1 2022-08-30
315765 Hypagyrtis unipunctata Iowa Jasper Ashton-Wildwood County Park Jim Durbin 1 2012-06-02
326136 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Jasper Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge IBSN 1 2022-06-07
Displaying 2,901 - 2,925 of 3,034 results with 10,253 total observations. Queries took 0.091s.