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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
285392 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Howard Vernon Springs County Park IBSN 1 2020-07-07
285420 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Howard Vernon Springs County Park IBSN 1 2020-07-17
285445 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Howard Vernon Springs County Park IBSN 1 2020-07-30
329552 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Howard Vernon Springs County Park IBSN 1 2022-06-17
355737 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Howard Hayden Prairie State Wildlife Management Area Matt Lovely 1 1993-09-18
355738 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Howard Hayden Prairie State Wildlife Management Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2015-07-30
355739 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Howard Hayden Prairie State Wildlife Management Area Kirk J. Larsen 1 2015-07-30
364916 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Howard Vernon Springs County Park IBSN 1 2023-07-10
Displaying 51 - 58 of 58 results with 443 total observations. Queries took 0.031s.