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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
121961 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Junction of Brushy Creek and Juniper Ave Stephanie Shepherd 1 2002-07-15
121962 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Junction of Brushy Creek and Juniper Ave Stephanie Shepherd 9 2002-08-15
121982 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Stephanie Shepherd 5 2002-08-15
121960 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Junction of Brushy Creek and Juniper Ave Stephanie Shepherd 3 2002-08-15
121981 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Stephanie Shepherd 5 2002-08-15
144104 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Whiterock Conservancy Mark Brown 1 2005-07-02
65776 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Whiterock Conservancy Jim Durbin 1 2014-06-21
21713 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Whiterock Conservancy Jim Durbin 1 2013-07-12
121959 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Junction of Brushy Creek and Juniper Ave Jessica Davis 1 2002-08-15
122428 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Junction of Brushy Creek and Juniper Ave Jessica Davis 1 2002-07-15
275195 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Jay Gilliam 2 2020-05-27
275831 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Bundt Prairie Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-27
275842 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-27
275858 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Whiterock Conservancy Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-27
301023 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Springbrook State Park Jay Gilliam 1 2021-08-28
275103 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2020-05-27
275835 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Bundt Prairie Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-27
275843 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-27
275855 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Whiterock Conservancy Jay Gilliam 1 2020-06-27
301020 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Springbrook State Park Jay Gilliam 1 2021-08-28
346587 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Jay Gilliam 6 2023-06-18
346593 Colias eurytheme Iowa Guthrie Springbrook State Park Jay Gilliam 7 2023-06-18
53119 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Bundt Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2003-07-23
53599 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Frank Olsen 1 2003-07-23
53600 Colias philodice Iowa Guthrie Sheeder Prairie State Preserve Frank Olsen 2 2008-07-08
Displaying 1 - 25 of 50 results with 175 total observations. Queries took 0.099s.