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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
49742 Zenoa picea Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Jim Durbin 1 2009-08-09
49743 Dasymutilla occidentalis Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Jim Durbin 1 2009-08-09
50140 Thorybes lyciades Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Ron Royer 1 1960-05-22
50141 Thorybes lyciades Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Ron Royer 1 1962-05-27
50156 Amblyscirtes vialis Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 2 2010-07-02
50157 Amblyscirtes vialis Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 3 2006-04-26
50158 Amblyscirtes vialis Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Tim Orwig 1 1991-07-23
50812 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 2 2003-09-07
50813 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 4 2005-09-11
50814 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 4 2010-07-02
50815 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Tim Orwig 1 1988-06-02
50838 Asterocampa clyton Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 3 2010-07-02
50909 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 14 2013-09-02
50910 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 2 2005-09-14
50911 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 3 2003-09-07
50912 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 3 2003-09-07
50913 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 1 2005-09-11
50914 Atalopedes campestris Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Tim Orwig 1 1989-09-02
51076 Battus philenor Iowa Fremont Location Protected Heitzman 1 1950-07-01
51355 Callophrys henrici Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Ron Royer 2 1962-04-29
51501 Celastrina ladon Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 1 2003-04-22
51785 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 1 2003-09-07
51786 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 17 2010-07-02
51787 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 1 2005-09-14
51788 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Fremont Waubonsie State Park Frank Olsen 1 2009-09-06
Displaying 1,176 - 1,200 of 2,128 results with 3,138 total observations. Queries took 0.074s.