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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
132690 Catocala robinsonii Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-08-11
132691 Catocala robinsonii Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-09-23
132692 Catocala angusi Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2014-07-17
132693 Catocala obscura Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-08-18
132694 Catocala residua Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2014-08-17
132695 Catocala residua Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-07-17
132696 Catocala subnata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-08-18
132697 Catocala cara Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-08-18
132698 Catocala cara Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-10-12
132699 Catocala coccinata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-06-25
132700 Catocala coccinata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-08-17
132701 Catocala clintonii Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-06-17
132702 Catocala clintonii Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-06-17
132703 Papaipema marginidens Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-10-06
132704 Sunira bicolorago Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-11
132705 Mythimna unipuncta Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-11
132821 Peridroma saucia Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-10
132822 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-10
132823 Zale lunata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-10
132824 Sunira bicolorago Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-10
132825 Peridroma saucia Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-11-10
134158 Satyrium edwardsii Iowa Decatur Location Protected Bill Brown 1 2014-06-25
134159 Satyrium titus Iowa Decatur Location Protected Bill Brown 1 2014-06-25
135404 Spragueia leo Iowa Decatur Location Protected Frank Olsen 1 2011-07-19
136203 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2015-05-25
Displaying 426 - 450 of 4,205 results with 12,474 total observations. Queries took 0.149s.