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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
120355 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-11
120356 Automeris io Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-15
120357 Automeris io Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-25
120358 Catocala amestris Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-08-17
120359 Catocala micronympha Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-07-03
120360 Celastrina ladon Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-04-26
120361 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-12
120362 Cercyonis pegala Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-03
120363 Chlosyne gorgone Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-11
120364 Cirrhophanus triangulifer Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2011-09-07
120365 Colias eurytheme Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2010-07-26
120366 Danaus plexippus Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-05-18
120367 Eacles imperialis Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-25
120368 Hypercompe scribonia Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-25
120369 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-05-18
120370 Erynnis baptisiae Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-09-16
120371 Euphyes dion Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2014-09-07
120372 Euphyes vestris Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2012-06-12
120373 Euptoieta claudia Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-07-18
120374 Pyrisitia lisa Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2012-08-10
120375 Cupido comyntas Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-11
120376 Hemaris diffinis Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2012-08-30
120377 Hylephila phyleus Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2011-10-21
120378 Hyles lineata Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-06-25
120379 Junonia coenia Iowa Decatur Timberhill Sibylla Brown 1 2014-09-07
Displaying 326 - 350 of 4,205 results with 12,474 total observations. Queries took 0.150s.