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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
173878 Hypena madefactalis Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-30
173881 Apantesis parthenice Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-31
173887 Catocala ultronia Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-31
173889 Phalaenostola larentioides Iowa Decatur Location Protected Logan Crees 1 2016-07-31
182150 Allotria elonympha Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-10-02
182151 Catocala amica-lineella Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-07-04
182152 Catocala amica-lineella Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-07-31
182153 Catocala angusi Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-10-02
182154 Catocala cara Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-10-04
182155 Catocala clintonii Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-06-17
182156 Catocala judith Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-07-11
182157 Catocala subnata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-09-05
182158 Haploa reversa Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-06-05
182159 Haploa lecontei Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-06-11
182160 Pyrrharctia isabella Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-04-19
182161 Haploa lecontei Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-06-21
182162 Zale galbanata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-06-21
182170 Hypena scabra Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2016-04-13
202215 Catocala cara Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2017-10-13
202216 Catocala coccinata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2017-06-26
202217 Apantesis virgo Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2017-07-25
202218 Apantesis virgo Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2017-07-31
202219 Apantesis virguncula Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2017-05-27
202220 Pyrrharctia isabella Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2017-05-26
202312 Apantesis phalerata-nais-carlotta-vittata Iowa Decatur Location Protected Sibylla Brown 1 2017-06-13
Displaying 251 - 275 of 284 results with 284 total observations. Queries took 0.147s.