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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
121949 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 9 2002-08-15
121950 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 2 2002-08-15
121951 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 2 2002-08-15
121952 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 1 2002-08-15
121953 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 4 2002-08-15
121954 Pontia protodice Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 1 2002-08-15
121955 Argynnis cybele Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 1 2002-08-15
121956 Thymelicus lineola Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Stephanie Shepherd 1 2002-08-15
122426 Cupido comyntas Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Jessica Davis 3 2002-07-17
122427 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Dallas Hanging Rock Park Jessica Davis 2 2002-07-17
124950 Antheraea polyphemus Iowa Dallas Adel - Prairie Seed Production Plots Ed Freese 1 2015-05-16
128630 Smerinthus jamaicensis Iowa Dallas Jordan Creek-x Toni Dudley 1 2014-06-28
128631 Megalographa biloba Iowa Dallas Granger Toni Dudley 1 2014-06-01
128723 Acronicta insularis Iowa Dallas Perry MJ Hatfield 1 2007-06-09
129027 Costaconvexa centrostrigaria Iowa Dallas Dallas County Harlan Ratcliff 1 2014-06-15
129259 Phoebis sennae Iowa Dallas Adel - Prairie Seed Production Plots Ed Freese 6 2015-08-14
129622 Actias luna Iowa Dallas Granger CD Drennen 1 2015-07-29
129640 Costaconvexa centrostrigaria Iowa Dallas Dallas County Harlan Ratcliff 1 2014-06-15
129705 Estigmene acrea Iowa Dallas Adel - Prairie Seed Production Plots MJ Hatfield 1 2005-08-31
130487 Caloptilia belfragella Iowa Dallas Dallas County Harlan Ratcliff 1 2015-08-31
130906 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Dallas Adel - Prairie Seed Production Plots Frank Olsen 1 2015-04-29
130907 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Dallas Adel - Prairie Seed Production Plots Frank Olsen 1 2015-05-12
130908 Nymphalis antiopa Iowa Dallas Adel - Prairie Seed Production Plots Frank Olsen 1 2015-03-14
130909 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Dallas Adel - Prairie Seed Production Plots Frank Olsen 2 2015-04-14
134110 Actias luna Iowa Dallas Adel - Prairie Seed Production Plots Ed Freese 1 2013-06-26
Displaying 226 - 250 of 2,384 results with 17,343 total observations. Queries took 0.083s.