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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
164684 Ischnura verticalis Iowa Clay Trumball Lake Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-09
163325 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Clay Stony Creek on M27 Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-15
163326 Gomphurus externus Iowa Clay Stony Creek on M27 Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-15
163329 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Clay Stony Creek on M27 Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-15
163330 Enallagma anna Iowa Clay Stony Creek on M27 Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-15
163331 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Clay Junction of Stony Creek and 140th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-20
163332 Enallagma antennatum Iowa Clay Junction of Stony Creek and 140th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-20
163333 Plathemis lydia Iowa Clay Junction of Stony Creek and 140th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-20
163334 Sympetrum rubicundulum Iowa Clay Junction of Stony Creek and 140th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-20
163335 Gomphurus externus Iowa Clay Junction of Stoney Creek and 290th St Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-20
163349 Sympetrum corruptum Iowa Clay Junction of Stony Creek and 160th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-20
158221 Enallagma antennatum Iowa Clay Ruthven Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-26
158222 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Clay Ruthven Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-26
158223 Sympetrum semicinctum Iowa Clay Ruthven Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-26
158224 Sympetrum semicinctum Iowa Clay Ruthven Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-26
158245 Enallagma antennatum Iowa Clay Big Muddy Creek @ 300th Street Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-26
158246 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Clay Big Muddy Creek @ 300th Street Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-26
158247 Sympetrum obtrusum Iowa Clay Big Muddy Creek @ 300th Street Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-26
160328 Lestes rectangularis Iowa Clay Junction of Prairie Creek and Hwy 71 Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-27
160329 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Clay Junction of Prairie Creek and Hwy 71 Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-27
160330 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Clay Junction of Prairie Creek and Hwy 71 Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-27
160331 Enallagma antennatum Iowa Clay Junction of Prairie Creek and Hwy 71 Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-27
160332 Enallagma hageni Iowa Clay Junction of Prairie Creek and 225th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-27
160333 Aeshna umbrosa Iowa Clay Junction of Prairie Creek and 225th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-27
160334 Enallagma carunculatum Iowa Clay Junction of Prairie Creek and 225th Ave Bob Cruden 1 1993-07-27
Displaying 201 - 225 of 1,594 results with 2,721 total observations. Queries took 0.070s.