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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
255853 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Silver Sioux Recreation Area IBSN 1 2018-07-31
255852 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Silver Sioux Recreation Area IBSN 2 2018-07-06
223554 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Frank Olsen 3 2018-07-03
255851 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Silver Sioux Recreation Area IBSN 1 2018-07-02
255850 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Silver Sioux Recreation Area IBSN 4 2018-06-05
56516 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Frank Olsen 7 2007-06-20
57994 Tharsalea hyllus Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 2 2006-06-02
56661 Glaucopsyche lygdamus Iowa Cherokee Location Protected Jerry Selby 1 2006-06-02
56660 Glaucopsyche lygdamus Iowa Cherokee Location Protected Jerry Selby 6 2006-05-19
56519 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 1 2006-05-19
56659 Glaucopsyche lygdamus Iowa Cherokee Location Protected Jerry Selby 13 2006-05-18
56517 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 3 2006-05-18
57732 Plebejus melissa Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 1 2005-08-30
56518 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 58 2005-08-30
62326 Satyrium titus Iowa Cherokee Martin Area County Park Frank Olsen 1 2005-07-06
51683 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cherokee Martin Area County Park Frank Olsen 1 2005-07-06
145700 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cherokee Martin Area County Park Dennis Schlicht 1 2005-07-06
57813 Tharsalea dione Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 1 2005-06-27
57995 Tharsalea hyllus Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 1 2005-06-27
62345 Satyrium titus Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 1 2005-06-27
106956 Echinargus isola Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 3 2004-07-10
107152 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 13 2004-07-10
107829 Satyrium titus Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 1 2004-07-04
107153 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Jerry Selby 4 2004-07-04
56520 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cherokee Steele Prairie State Preserve West Mike Saunders 1 1993-07-20
Displaying 1 - 25 of 37 results with 143 total observations. Queries took 0.084s.