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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
142341 Argynnis cybele Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 7 2008-07-06
142342 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2008-07-06
142343 Megisto cymela Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 3 2008-07-06
142344 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2008-07-06
142345 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2008-07-21
142346 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 19 2008-07-21
142348 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 10 2008-07-21
142349 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 17 2008-07-21
142350 Boloria bellona Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2008-07-21
142351 Argynnis cybele Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 2 2008-07-21
142352 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 3 2008-07-21
142353 Danaus plexippus Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 6 2008-07-21
142354 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 2 2008-07-21
142355 Pieris rapae Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 40 2008-07-27
142356 Colias philodice Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 4 2008-07-27
142357 Cupido comyntas Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 18 2008-07-27
142358 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 43 2008-07-27
142360 Boloria bellona Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 4 2008-07-27
142361 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2008-07-27
142362 Vanessa cardui Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2008-07-27
142363 Vanessa atalanta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 4 2008-07-27
142364 Limenitis archippus Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 3 2008-07-27
142365 Asterocampa celtis Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2008-07-27
142366 Danaus plexippus Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 15 2008-07-27
142367 Epargyreus clarus Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2008-07-27
Displaying 476 - 500 of 1,172 results with 3,702 total observations. Queries took 0.068s.