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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
250643 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2017-07-25
250644 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 3 2018-06-03
250645 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 2 2018-06-11
250646 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2018-06-24
288252 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Bennett Park Sarah Subbert 1 2011-08-10
288270 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Bennett Park Sarah Subbert 1 2011-06-27
360062 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 1 2023-07-13
360075 Celastrina neglecta Iowa Cedar Rochester Cemetery IBSN 4 2023-07-20
287432 Catocala piatrix Iowa Cedar Cedar County Conservation Sarah Subbert 1 2011-07-24
151264 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-20
151282 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Along Cemetery Road-x Bob Cruden 1 1995-08-17
157790 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1997-08-15
158375 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Junction of 130th St and King Ave Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-08
163371 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-25
163372 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-25
163373 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1996-07-25
163374 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-05
163520 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-05
164243 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1997-07-11
287436 Calopteryx maculata Iowa Cedar Cedar County Conservation Sarah Subbert 1 2011-07-14
151263 Calopteryx aequabilis Iowa Cedar Cedar County Bob Cruden 1 1996-08-20
1512 Callosamia promethea Iowa Cedar Mink Run Wildlife Area Tom Jantscher 1 2011-01-22
1513 Callosamia promethea Iowa Cedar Mink Run Wildlife Area Tom Jantscher 1 2011-01-22
18261 Callosamia promethea Iowa Cedar Cedar County Tom Jantscher 1 2011-02-08
18272 Callosamia promethea Iowa Cedar Mink Run Wildlife Area Tom Jantscher 1 2011-01-22
Displaying 951 - 975 of 1,172 results with 3,702 total observations. Queries took 0.042s.