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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
116603 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2011-07-17
116607 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Chris Edwards 1 2008-07-13
116883 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Allamakee Effigy Mounds National Monument Chris Edwards 1 2008-07-13
116889 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2004-07-04
116891 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2006-07-04
116898 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Chris Edwards 1 2010-07-17
116899 Pterourus glaucus Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Chris Edwards 1 2012-07-07
117082 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2001-06-23
117088 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2011-07-17
117090 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2001-05-17
117092 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Chris Edwards 1 2008-07-13
117093 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Chris Edwards 1 2010-07-17
117094 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Chris Edwards 1 2013-07-15
117244 Pholisora catullus Iowa Allamakee Effigy Mounds National Monument Chris Edwards 1 2007-07-07
117245 Pholisora catullus Iowa Allamakee Effigy Mounds National Monument Chris Edwards 1 2010-07-17
117247 Pholisora catullus Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2007-07-07
117621 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2006-07-04
117632 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2013-07-15
117633 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2014-07-13
117634 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Chris Edwards 1 2007-07-07
118107 Pieris rapae Iowa Allamakee Effigy Mounds National Monument Chris Edwards 1 2009-07-03
118108 Pieris rapae Iowa Allamakee Effigy Mounds National Monument Chris Edwards 1 2014-07-13
118124 Pieris rapae Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2001-05-17
118131 Pieris rapae Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Chris Edwards 1 2012-07-07
118167 Lon hobomok Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Chris Edwards 1 2001-06-23
Displaying 1,626 - 1,650 of 6,091 results with 23,568 total observations. Queries took 0.596s.