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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
108518 Feltia jaculifera Iowa Allamakee Black Hawk Point Wildlife Management Area Tom Jantscher 1 2014-08-31
108519 Schinia arcigera Iowa Allamakee Black Hawk Point Wildlife Management Area Tom Jantscher 1 2014-08-31
108721 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Frank Olsen 2 2006-05-02
108722 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Frank Olsen 1 2007-08-01
108822 Pholisora catullus Iowa Allamakee French Creek Wildlife Management Area John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-09-07
109493 Argyria nummulalis Iowa Allamakee Zoll's Mountain Hill Prairie Moni Hayne 1 2013-07-20
109521 Paonias myops Iowa Allamakee Lansing Tura Fisher 1 2014-06-16
109619 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Allamakee Whispering Pines Hill Prairie Frank Olsen 3 2014-05-24
109620 Colias philodice Iowa Allamakee Whispering Pines Hill Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2014-05-24
109621 Cupido comyntas Iowa Allamakee Whispering Pines Hill Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2014-05-24
109622 Danaus plexippus Iowa Allamakee Whispering Pines Hill Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2014-05-24
109623 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Allamakee Whispering Pines Hill Prairie Frank Olsen 1 2014-05-24
109740 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Allamakee Mount Hosmer Park Frank Olsen 3 2014-05-29
110073 Papilio polyxenes Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Frank Olsen 1 2014-05-30
110074 Heraclides cresphontes Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Frank Olsen 2 2014-05-30
110075 Colias philodice Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Frank Olsen 6 2014-05-30
110076 Cupido comyntas Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Frank Olsen 1 2014-05-30
110077 Danaus plexippus Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Frank Olsen 1 2014-05-30
110078 Phyciodes tharos Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Frank Olsen 2 2014-05-30
110225 Megisto cymela Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Jim Durbin 1 2010-06-25
110255 Asterocampa clyton Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Jim Durbin 1 2010-06-25
110258 Argynnis aphrodite Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Jim Durbin 1 2010-06-25
110259 Satyrium calanus Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Jim Durbin 1 2010-06-25
110260 Asterocampa clyton Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Jim Durbin 1 2010-06-25
110261 Satyrium calanus Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Jim Durbin 1 2010-06-25
Displaying 1,551 - 1,575 of 6,091 results with 23,568 total observations. Queries took 0.208s.