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ID Taxon State County Locale Collected By Count Date Status
110263 Strymon melinus Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Jim Durbin 1 2010-06-25
119422 Strymon melinus Iowa Allamakee Effigy Mounds National Monument Chris Edwards 2 2012-07-07
223957 Strymon melinus Iowa Allamakee Effigy Mounds National Monument Frank Olsen 1 2018-08-18
227834 Strymon melinus Iowa Allamakee Yellow River State Forest Jim Durbin 1 2010-06-25
2789 Echinargus isola Iowa Allamakee Allamakee County USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-07-15
54618 Echinargus isola Iowa Allamakee French Creek Wildlife Management Area John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
54624 Echinargus isola Iowa Allamakee Hanover Township John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-08
358463 Echinargus isola Iowa Allamakee Riverside Drive John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-08
358579 Echinargus isola Iowa Allamakee Mile Long Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-08
358846 Echinargus isola Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
358847 Echinargus isola Iowa Allamakee Sunflower Drive Hill Prairie John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-07-10
51356 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Allamakee County John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-05-01
51357 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Allamakee County John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-05-01
51358 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Allamakee County Jeff Nekola 1 1940-05-01
51372 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Fish Farm Mounds Wildlife Area Jeff Nekola 1 1986-05-14
51374 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Hanover Township Jeff Nekola 1 1987-04-26
51375 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Hanover Township Jeff Nekola 1 1987-04-26
51418 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Mount Hosmer Park Frank Olsen 1 2006-05-02
145713 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Big Prairie Jeff Nekola 1 1986-05-14
145717 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Clear Creek Fen John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-05-23
145718 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Clear Creek Fen John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-05-23
331011 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Heritage Valley MJ Hatfield 1 2022-05-07
352029 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Allamakee County John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-01-01
352028 Celastrina ladon Iowa Allamakee Allamakee County John G. Nehnevaj 1 1987-01-01
3484 Glaucopsyche lygdamus Iowa Allamakee Location Protected USGS - NPWRC 1 1950-05-15
Displaying 226 - 250 of 460 results with 1,150 total observations. Queries took 0.079s.